


Kawata Gallery, located on the outskirts of Kobe, has been in the art trade for three generations. Our professional staff members are ready to assist you with the sale of your art, acquisitions, and free assessments, as well as restorations, auction services, and appraisals.

Whether you struggle with conservation and management of your collection, are arranging for liquidation of an estate, or have inherited artwork, our experienced staff members can offer you purchasing assessments and arrange artwork sales that are tailored precisely to your wishes.

We also receive many inquiries from corporations, government agencies, lawyers, and tax accountants.

鑑定とはWhat is appraisal?
Appraisal means to examine the “authenticity” of a work.
In case of a new work, the appraisal fee and certificate issuance fee will amount to approximately ¥50,000 to ¥60,000.
If the work is found to be a forgery, we still charge a fee for the appraisal.Depending on the artwork,
the price given in an initial assessment may be substantially lower than that given after the final appraisal of the work.
This may be the case if, for instance, a work is found to be genuine.
Please get in touch with us before requesting an appraisal.
無料出張査定Free assessment of works on location
関西近郊にお住いの方は、弊社スタッフがご自宅まで査定・買取にお伺いいたします。 お気軽にお問い合わせくださいませ。If you live in the Kansai area, our staff members will come to your home to make assessments and arrange for divestment of your artwork.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch for more information.
取扱アーティストArtists in our inventory
買取・鑑定について弊廊で取り扱っているアーティストについては、以下をご確認ください。Check bellow for more information about which artists are in our inventory.
取扱作品Works in our inventory
絵画(日本画 ・ 洋画 ・ 油絵), 版画(リトグラフ ・ シルクスクリーン ・ 銅版画 ・ 木版画 等), 掛軸・中国美術・骨董品・工芸品 等の美術品Paintings (Japanese, Western, oil paintings), Prints (lithographs, silk screen, engravings, woodcuts, etc.), Hanging scrolls, Chinese art, antiques, arts and crafts, etc.



01お電話よりご連絡くださいPlease call us by phone to get in touch with us.
TEL : 078-451-5555
Feel free to call us in order to sell art.
TEL : 078-451-5555
02美術品の査定をいたしますWe will then assess the work(s) in question.
絵画・美術品の豊富なオークションデータ、業者交換会での流通相場を元に時価評価、査定を行い、「美術品時価評価書」を作成いたします。減損会計制度にも対応した、適正な評価額の査定、評価書の作成は、私ども専門家にお任せください。関西近郊にお住まいの方は無料で査定にお伺いいたします。お気軽にご相談くださいませ。Based on copious available data about painting and art auctions, as well as distribution estimates made at gatherings of art dealers, we perform a market evaluation and assessment of the work, compiling an “art market value assessment report.” Our experts stand ready to give an accurate value assessment based on fixed asset revaluation techniques, and provide you with an evaluation report.
03買取価格のご提示Announcement of the purchase price
作品を査定後、最終的な買い取り価格をご連絡いたします。 ご了承いただけましたらお取引成立となりますが、売却をやめたい場合は遠慮なくお申し出ください。After we finish assessing the work, we will offer you a final purchase price for the artwork(s). If you agree to the price, we purchase the work. Obviously, you are free to reject our offer and retain the work.
お取り引き成立後、ご指定の銀行口座にお振込み、または現金でお支払いいたします。After the deal has been concluded, we will instruct you to send payment to a bank account.




