Marina Yonetsu
1994 大阪生まれ
2017 富山ガラス造形研究所 研究科 修了
2020 金沢卯辰山工芸工房 ガラス工房修了
2017 富山ガラス造形研究所卒業制作展 優秀作品賞
2018 富山市美術展 インスタレーション部門 優秀賞
2018 第7回現代ガラス展in山陽小野田〔おのだサンパーク〕
2019 アートフェア東京2019〔東京国際フォーラム〕
2022 BIWAKOビエンナーレ
KOGEI Art fair Kanazawa
1994 Born in Osaka
2017 Completed the Graduate School of Toyama Glass Art Institute
2020 Completed glass workshop at Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo
《Award History》
2017 Toyama Institute of Glass Art Graduation Exhibition Excellence Award
2018 Toyama City Art Exhibition Installation Category Excellence Award
《Exhibition history》
2018 7th Contemporary Glass Exhibition in Sanyo Onoda [Onoda Sun Park]
Toyama City Art Exhibition Installation Section 2018 [Former Toyama City
Koba Elementary School]
2019 Art Fair Tokyo 2019 [Tokyo International Forum]
2022 BIWAKO Biennale
KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa
“With the central theme of exploring the inner essence of objects, the continuous process of destruction in our daily lives, and the subsequent endeavor to restore them to their original state, I craft artworks primarily using glass as my medium. By reconstructing shattered glass, I contemplate notions of existence and mortality.
I imbue the motifs that arise from my reinterpretation of personal experiences of destruction with the inherent beauty of something that was once broken.”
It is a one-of-a-kind work that has a unique atmosphere, painted with oil paints on reconstructed glass.