

alan 《 I can change the world 》 910×910mm
alan 《話をしたいけど》 400×400mm
alan 《If I could be king》600×600mm
alan 《if I can reach the stars》 910×910mm
alan《Wishing for the world》460×530mm
alan 《it's only in my dreams》530×460mm


1979年 兵庫県西宮市で生まれる
2016年 個展「Love me」開催
    deagu art fair in KOREA 出展
    affordable art fair in Singapore 出展
2017年 個展 「summer trip」開催
    Unknown Asia 2017出展
2018年 銀座ギャルリーラーにてグループ展
    東京幕張メッセ「Automobile Council2018」
    Unknown Asia 2018出展
2019年 アートストリーム2019出展
    Unknown Asia 2019出展
2020年 Unknown Asia オンライン2020出展
2021年 個展「ニュースタンダード★新たなる旅立ち」開催
    Art Live Kobe 2021 出展
    Unknown Asia 2021出展
2022年 個展「Under50%+Point」開催
    ART FAIR ASIA福岡2022 出展
    ART TAIPEI 2022 出展

■2016  AS ONE listed on the TSE (permanent) / Osaka, Japan
Solo Exhibitions “Love Me” / Kobe, Japan
Daegu art fair / Korea,
Affordable art fair / Singapore
■2017 Solo Exhibitions “summer trip” / Kobe, Japan
Unknown Asia 2017 / Osaka, Japan
“Outsiders” / Ginza gallery Deim/ Tokyo, Japan
■2018  ”presence” / Ginza Galerie Lā / Tokyo, Japan
“Automobile Council2018” / Tokyo, Japan
Unknown Asia 2018 / Osaka, Japan
■2019   Art Stream 2019 / Osaka, Japan
Unknown Asia 2019 / Osaka, Japan
■2020  Unknown Asia Exhibition Online 2020.
■2021  Solo Exhibitions “New Standard★New Journey” / Osaka, Japan
Art Live Kobe 2021 / Kobe, Japan
■2022  Solo Exhibitions “Under50%+Point” / Osaka, Japan


Statement :
‘What is being original?’
Exploring the borderline of originality, within the context of modern art, to find the answer to this question that we encounter when creating art, images, music etc.
The artwork follows an ‘Appropriation’ style, a part of ‘Simulationism’, started in early 1980s in NY.
The intention is to create new and original artworks by re-structuring and combining different pieces.

The intention is to change the context of the artwork by combining more than 2 art pieces, trimming and adding more elements.

The basic form of changing the context is to reproduce and trace less than half of the source (surface and lines), and the appropriation of more than 2 sources onto one canvas.
To be seen as an original artwork, easily recognisable parts are removed by mosaic, or with black lines.

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